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Reply to "Electric Bikes OK for Measurement?"


Upon first glance, it seems that "any vehicle with a wheel that can follow..." is too broad. For example, your dream moped.

Say you figure out how to rig a counter, and overcome the wheel divisions. Great. You calibrate on your course going 10 mph. Fine.

You hit the course, and have a section that is long, straight, and has some cars approaching you as you ride against traffic. Throttle-up! you hit 30 mph, but you beat traffic. BUT -

Fat pneumatic, thick-walled tires changed shape at the higher speed, drastically changing the circumference of the tire. Not accurate anymore. Add to that the squishing of the tire on extended braking, or acceleration.

Just my thinking that bike tires work because they don't vary in shape/circumference nearly as much as larger tires may during varying riding conditions.
