Hi Gary,
Sorry I missed your post. I have been using an e-bike for about a year now. Its made by a company called SERFAS. I can tell you that overall my experience is positive. I usually measure at about 15mph (which is faster than I can pedal) but the bike does go faster. I think the biggest impact it has had is the improvement when starting out from a standstill. On my old self-powered Trek, when I was beginning to pedal from a hard stop or if I was on an incline, there would be some wobble in the front tire, with the e-bike, that beginning wobble is gone...the throttle power eliminates it. Thus helping to ensure a more accurate course. On my bike, the seat is very comfortable compared to the thin road bike seat from my Trek. This has become increasingly important as I get older!! I also added a rear (on the advice of the LBS owner) basket. The rear basket is perfect for carrying the stuff that I used to haul in a backpack.
Obviously, courses are measured quicker with the e-bike, which is nice because time is money!
The downsides: Weight: the bike is heavy, bulky and I have to remove the battery to put it on the bike rack on my car. The battery doesn't add too much weight but it takes up space on the frame thus the need to remove it to get it on the rack. Wider front hubs: I had to look for a long time to find a bike that would accommodate a right side (disc brake) Jones counter. I don't know if this is an industry wide shift for all bikes or if it is specific to the e-bike industry but almost every bike I looked at would not tolerate a Jones Counter.
Another positive I forgot to mention is that I now ride my bike around town a lot more. If I need something from the store, it is much quicker to jump on my bike and ride there than deal with the vehicular traffic.