quote:what is your sensor for your e-Jones?
quote:I re-programmed by electronic VR counter last night, and it tracks the Jones clicks every 23 2/3 clicks. I have a magnetic sensor, so it registers every wheel revolution. This will allow me to get close to the spot, but I will still have to look at the Jones for a reading between full revolutions.
23 2/3 is wrong. It is 23.6666666. You should be using 260/11 =23.63636363. This differs by about 3 parts in 2363 which is more than the SCPF. An advantage of having the electronics counts in a microprocessor is that it is very easy to divide by the electronic counts per rev and then multiply the result by 260/11 and get a display exactly equivalent to the Jones counter.
quote:Just wondered how you are handling the sensor, so that you increment on your digital counter for every Jones count.
I will post a block diagram in a few days time. Today I have just got my bike back from the bike workshop. Nice new telescopic front forks and a new wheel. The total cost, £180, was more than I expected but the parts were expensive. Labour was just £25 which was certainly worth it for a good job. I fitted the prototype and demonstrated that the counts tracked at slow speed. At higher speeds as expected it lost a few counts when the microprocessor was trying to do two jobs at once. I anticipated this timing problem and I have a design for a new prototype with new software which I hope will operate up to about 40mph in order to have a good margin over the normal measuring speed which should be well under 20mph. (10mph is the target speed of course, but I want to be sure of correct operation if one does occasional short bursts of say 20mph when maneuvering in gaps in the traffic.)