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Reply to "Course with 2 surface types"

Okay I am going to play devil's advocate if you will. Pete you say to ask your certifier which I agree on but the thing is one certifier might say to use your road calibration and another certifier may say you need to lay out a calibration course on the trail. So now you have 2 different calibration courses and 2 different course measurement which isn't that big of an issue but it is much easier with only one set of paper work to use. I guess what I am saying is that we should have some kind of policy or something in the manual so we are all on the same page on this. To me it seems this is becoming an issue and I just think we should do something now before it becomes a bigger problem than what it is right now. From everything I have read so far it seems like riding on the trail using a road calibration will make it longer. I also have this dilemma facing me as I will be measuring a half marathon in the next couple of weeks. So I would like to know how everyone else would go about measuring a course that is on a trail.
Thanks for any input.