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Chairs Winter Comments for 2006

The USATF convention has past and my first year has proven to be very interesting.

At he convention we discussed many topics and I hope you read the minutes to be posted by mid-Januaray on this web site. I will not go into most of the topics disussed, but will mention a couple of them that our most important.
1. Measurement News is no lonnger our source for information. This web site will be used, but if anyone is interested in starting up MN then please contact me.
2. The Electronic Counter has been approved with some restrictions. Information can be found on our site under tools for measuring.
3. The standard GPS is not an acceptable device for measuring/certifying unless verified by a licensed surveyor.

There were other topics, but the minutes will cover these.

As I said my first year has proven to be a learning experience and if it wasn't for many people it would have been impossible. I'm afraid to mention names as the list would be too long and I might forget a person, but thanks to all for your help.

Finally, I encourage all Regional Certifiers to join USATF. Bill Roe, USATF PRESIDENT, has been a major supporter of the RRTC. There are many reasons for joining and if you have any questions, then please contact me.

I wish all of you a Happy New Year and look forward to 2007!

Gene Newman
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