I didn’t submit an answer, and here’s why:
1) I noticed right away the count increase during auto transport, but paid no attention to it as it did not concern the actual measurement. I have observed this quite a few times. On the interstate I see lots of folks with 2 to 4 bikes strapped on the back of their SUV. Often I'll see a bike wheel turning in the slipstream. Not at all unusual, so why should a measurer be affected? It has no effect on the measurement and can be safely ignored.
2) It looked like 5 precal rides were taken, as the rides averaged about 3750 as stated. Only 5 rides would account for this. No actual problem so far. Race course measurement seems OK so far.
3) On the postcal I was unable to get reasonable agreement between precal and postcal constant. I tried 300 m as a cal course length, and I tried various numbers of rides, but could not reconcile the numbers.
If the puzzle was about the count increase only, the answers are correct. However, the calibration data as stated looks wonky to me.
Can anyone help clear my head of this confusion?