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Reply to "Calibration - Getting On The Mark"

Update on the FlickStand question: there is a biking forum where they've kicked that issue around for a good little while! Some bikers have a work-around (since apparently the devices are not currently being made): they take a thick rubber band and hook one end on the valve stem, wrap it around the down tube, then hook the other end on the valve stem. Not too good if we're trying to avoid turning the wheel while stopped. The other workaround is to use one of those trouser strips to put around the wheel and tube.

Pedal on curb works great, I use it whenever it's handy, but the kickstand saves me a lot of hassle. For instance there are no curbs along the canal towpath, nor are there trees handy for leaning (you have to climb down an embankment to get to a tree) . . .