I have investigated different ways to re-organize the threads so people could find things more easily:
1) Replace the current organization with a more refined organization. The main problem with this is that there are many posts where people have linked to other threads. All of these links would be lost, and this is not acceptable.
2) Create a second structure that contains mostly "shortcuts" to the threads in the original structure. This would work, but I feel it would be very cumbersome to have a whole double structure like this. (I did do a little of this with the new measurer area because I felt having that new area was important).
I finally decided that I could create this second structure completely outside the measurment bulletin board by doing it with web browser bookmarks. I have started work on this for the Electronic Measurement area as shown below

Once this is done I can make the bookmarks available. Anyone who wanted them would just need to "import" them into their browser.
This weekend I'll start work on creating a structure for topics in the Course Measurent area.
Anyone who'd like to help with this is more than welcome!