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A typical Monday for a certifier?

I have had a busy day dealing with measurement issues and admin. You know the usual thing --
  • Measurer has not completed work because organiser is having to move start/finish because of local objections, but a provisional certificate of course accuracy is required now -- NO.
  • New candidate measurer has completed the test at the end of the on-line introductory lessons, and about half the answers are wrong. I can see he has the right idea so may be able to cope with the full training but he makes every sort of mistake in his calculations ... rounding, copy numbers wrongly, mixing up multiplying and dividing when converting, etc. This takes time for me but is easy - I just tell him which answers are wrong and to find his mistakes a resubmit. I tell him all measurers need to be able to find their own calculation mistakes. I wont take him on the full on-line theory course until he demonstrates that capability.
  • The road race permit issuing authority has changed from a volunteer at the South of England to a paid officer at our government-run national governing body (UKAthletics). There are about five things he is doing wrong with regard to interfacing with the course measurement volunteers.
  • One measurer reports his counter stolen with his hi-tech bike from his car. Another reports erratic readings on the Jones-Oerth model counter. He seems to think it is due to problems with the rotating ring gear having too much play as a result of wear. I have not come across that one before. I must look at his counter. Anyway both measurers get sent loans of new counters purchased by the UKA and held by me. By the way when is Oerth family going to be in production again?
  • Some race directors cant open or print the .pdf copies of the course accuracy certificates I emailed out over the weekend. This means I will have to print them later in the week when I get a new colour cartridge and send them by snail mail.
  • A race director apparently tries to send in two measurement reports by email. one is fine, but no sign of the second. (One thing which is worse than this is when I receive a measurement report in dribs and drabs part by email part by snail mail. It all has to be assembled into a single .pdf for permanent on-line storage. ( I am at present on the look out for about 5GB of cheap on-line storage to take all the reports)

All in a day's work for a certifier. But I hope not every day.
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