Ken Young is alive and well, and continues his work in the area of road running statistics. Those interested in the past can download and read past issues of NRDC News at
Ken presently is active in the Association of Road Running Statisticians, and publishes an online newsletter, described as follows:
SUBSCRIPTIONS: THE ANALYTICAL DISTANCE RUNNER is distributed by e-mail only, on a more or less weekly basis, depending on race results received and business trips. Under normal circumstances, ADR is available by Wednesday with analyses of race results from the previous weekend.
For a one year subscription to ADR, please send US$20 cash or check to:
Ken Young
PO Box 219
Petrolia CA 95558
Comments, suggestions, corrections, or requests for additional statistical information will generally receive a prompt reply if you use e-mail.
The Analytical Distance Runner is the newsletter for the Association of Road Racing Statisticians with a focus on races, 3000m and longer, including road, track, and crosscountry events. Male runners who have achieved a sub-30:00 time for 10K road or the equivalent, and female runners who have achieved a sub-35:00 time for 10K road or the equivalent are tracked. These criteria include virtually all world and national class open runners and many top masters runners.
The URL for the ARRS website is
This newsletter serves to highlite many of the changes to the ARRS website. ARRS members may submit brief articles of current interest for possible inclusion in the newsletter. Updated and new web pages are uploaded at the end of the working day (California time).