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2009 RRTC Course Measurement Contest

As a new IAAF B Level Measurer, I was pleased the RRTC had confidence in me doing the Annual RRTC Measurement Contest. Not knowing anyone on the council other than Mike Wickiser, I was unwilling to do anything bold, thus, I devised a traditional contest. Because the RRTC was meeting in conjunction with the USA Track and Field Annual Meeting at the Westin Hotel in downtown Indianapolis, I established the courses in the Convention Center Plaza, directly east of the hotel. It was not conducive for the more traditional 500 meter course, but as it turned out, the unusually cold weather made the shorter course quite palatable. I started by creating a 50’ calibration course just outside the hotel entrance. Once I established the calibration course, I rode it 4 times (I think it took two minutes). Then I rode the contest course twice. The counts from ride one to ride two on the contest course was different by a total of three, well within measurement tolerances. I documented my work and drew a noncompliant map. I was a bit concerned someone would remove the reflective tape on the courses in the plaza because the walkways are totally brick. Luck as it was, the tape remained for entire contest. A total of 13 people took the challenge and the largest variance from the measured distance was 18.462’ (3.284%).

The course distance was 550.00 feet and the closest to the distance (over or under) determined the individual’s place. There was a special prize for last place. Two people tied for first place this year. The tie breaker was determined by the order in which the entry was received. The results are as follows.

Lester Mount, 548 – First Place, winner of a Colts Hat
Carol McLatchie, 548 – Second Place, winner of a Colts coolie
Paul Hronjak, 553.6 – Third Place, winner of a Colts notebook
Pete Reigel, 554.35
Jane Parks, 540
Irene Herman, 543
Bob Baumel, 558
Mike Wickiser, 562.5
Duane Russell, 564
Jim Gerweek, 535.2
Tom Riegel, 535
Gene Newman, 534.616
Justin Kuo, 568.461538 – Last Place, winner of a Colts dog food bowl
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