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2004 Olympic Marathon Measurement

Jean-Marie Grall (FRA) was the IAAF measurer of the 2004 Olympic Marathon and Race Walk courses. He was assisted by Hugh Jones (GBR) and Norrie Williamson (RSA). He produced two comprehensive reports that are impressive in their detail, and he sent me copies on CD. The marathon report is 19 mb in size and the race walk report is 6 mb. These reports set a very high standard of excellence. I have never seen better.

I have added these reports to the historical CD which I distribute for $5.00 postpaid to anywhere. The CD also includes about 90 other reports, manuals, and other technical works spanning the history of course measurement. Also included are all issues of Measurement News since September 2002. Previous issues (105 of them) are on two CD’s which I sell for $10 for the pair.

If I could distribute these free I would, but am reluctant to do so, because when something is free everybody asks for it. I’m unwilling to grind out CD’s for the merely curious.

One way to distribute this material could be to post it on a web site somewhere and let people download what they want. I don't have a web site and I do have a dial-up internet connection. The uploads would be formidable for me. And the downloads would be tough for other dial-up connected people.

I’ll continue to sell the CD’s, but it would be nice to make them more freely available. Does anyone have an idea how this might be done? I’ll be happy to send free CD’s to someone who wishes to undertake this chore.
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